Music, Poetry and Russian Poetesses

Music, Poetry and Russian Poetesses celebrates two great Russian poetesses of the 1920s and 1930s in an interactive concert. Then, the Soviet Union was experiencing a major crisis that, regardless of the brutality it carried within itself, brought the regenerating strength of creativity to the surface. Music and poetry come together here to celebrate this generative power anew.

Sophie Gallagher – soprano
Xeni Tziouvaras – mezzosoprano
Gianni de Rosa – viola
Clive Britton – piano

Frauenliebe und Leben Op. 42 for soprano and piano (Robert Schumann), Five songs for soprano and piano to lyrics by Anna Akhmatova Op. 27 (Sergei Prokofiev), Zwei Gesänge Op.91 for mezzosoprano, viola and piano (Johannes Brahms), Two Lieder Op. 14 for soprano and piano (Arnold Schoenberg), Shest’ stikhotvorenii Marini Cvetajevoj – Six poems by Marina Cvetayeva – Op. 143 (Dmitri Shostakovich)