The Last Supper, 1629 - 1630

Daniele Crespi - Oil on canvas - cm 335 × 220

The painting was executed for the Benedictine church of Brugora, in Brianza, which was abolished in 1805: on that date it became the property of the Accademia di Brera, which transferred it to the Pinacoteca in 1809. Regarding the choice of a raised point of view, the artist was certainly influenced by the Last Supper painted by Gaudenzio Ferrari for the church of La Passione in Milan. However, concerning the grouping of the apostles’ heads and the vitality displayed by the figures, Crespi’s painting also draws on the version executed by Leonardo in Santa Maria delle Grazie. The work is assigned to Crespi’s late maturity.

The Last Supper