Doleful Premonition, 1862

Girolamo Induno - Oil on canvas - cm 67 x 86

This work echoes the sentimental and patriotic interpretation of Hayez’ Kiss but in a contemporary vein. In a modest room, seated on a bed, a girl contemplates a portrait of her beloved, a patriot fighting in the wars as we can tell from a bust of Garibaldi, prints of the Kiss, and a battle scene hung on the window. Girolamo Induno and his brother Domenico, both painters and followers of Garibaldi, were the leading exponents of genre painting which used personal, domestic images to draw the uneducated classes to art.
Girolamo Induno made a reproduction of this painting in 1871, entitled La fidanzata del garibaldino (The garibaldino’s fiancée), modifying the lady’s face and the details of the furniture.

Doleful Premonition